Contract Worker Union Activist Rajkumar is struggling to get RS 5'000 (CHF 71) monthly for sustaining his family. Picture taken in Jammul (Chhattisgarh), India, Spring 2013
Dear friends - if you light this December your Amnesty International Freedom candles in the windows of your cozy homes - please remember my good friend AJAY TG and Mrs Gangotri Sahu the victims of the events that came to be known as *Rawan Incident*.
You can read here the current state of affairs in my Holcim-India discussions and what happened after Ajay was legally "forced" to withdrew his claim against Holcim's Sub Ambuja Cement. There is also a link to a longish interview with Ajay that was published on the Indian Cinema-Portral "passion for cinema". Instead of being an agent for Social Change and Peace he was and still is being criminalized by complicated political structures.
Don't forget all the other nameless people encountering daily struggles, intimidations and inequalities in the name of so-called "development" as pawns for multinational companies deprived of basic human rights, victims of society structures. The Indian society is still very much held in the realms of its colonial heritage as well as its traditional structures.
Especially for women in India this is a huge step, leaving traditional burdens and shadows of the society behind and becoming fully respected members of society. Rural India is far away from this reality. More about this in Karin Scheideggers Indian Rural Marriage Report. - Out at some point 2014.
It yet needs a new, overall educated, awake and internationally integrated generation to break such structures up - WE ARE WORKING FOR EMPOWERING THE FUTURE LEADERS OF INDIA! TODAYs YOUTH.
"In terms of absolute numbers India has the 3rd largest number of
people on the internet;
only 11% of the population has access to facilities".... (somewhere off the net)
only 11% of the population has access to facilities".... (somewhere off the net)
INDIEN – was ist schon Indien?! Gerade mal 9% dieses
Landes entspricht „Indien“ – der Rest ist BHARAT eine
Ansammlung verschiedenster Kulturen und Traditionen.
Sabeer, Lehrer, Tenali
Es ist ganz einfach mit dem Fundraising. Wenn
man nicht fragt gibt auch niemand. Wer fragt
kann viel bewegen. „People suffer because of
people“ .! Santosh, Swiss Emmaus India
"Gebildete und talentierte Menschen wählen selten Politik als Karriere.
Führende Politiker haben oft einen kriminellen Hintergrund und sind
meist schlecht gebildet – also wollen die Politiker vielerorts gar nicht,
dass sich etwas am Bildungsgrad der Menschen ändert, denn sie wissen,
meist schlecht gebildet – also wollen die Politiker vielerorts gar nicht,
dass sich etwas am Bildungsgrad der Menschen ändert, denn sie wissen,
dann würden sie nicht mehr gewählt werden."
Dr. Akshay Kumar, FAIRMED Delhi